Tuesday, September 9, 2008

please comment on the one that you feel would work out best or what elements in any one of them would work.

  1. 30 seconds .
    A panning shot of the southwestern dessert. suddenly the camera changes focuse to a shadow, The shadow then the camera view changes we see a wheel and then a tail fin, a loud rumble is heard then the wheels start to move. A voice is heard the voice of a announcer There he goes on a quest to break the Current land speed record.

  2. 30 seconds.
    Clip starts with rocket car already moving across the dessert with moments of time freezing and parts of the rocket are appearing. Then time goes back to real time and the car flies by a followed by a Shockwave that violently shakes the camera .

  3. 1 minute.
    Clip starts with shadow followed by a series of stills of various parts of the rocket car. rocket car still image parts of the vehicle are seen before the whole vehicle is revealed then the clips suddenly you see a flame blast behind the vehicle the wheels start to move and a cloud of smoke rises in the back as the car starts to speed up. Camera moves forward several seconds later and the scene changes to the rocket car screaming across the dessert with a blast of a dust cloud surrounding the vehicle as it breaks the sound barrier .

  4. 40 seconds .
    Shot one the salt flats of Nevada quiet and tranquil. Suddenly you hear a sonic boom and see a see a dot in the distance appears as if its still though the dot appears to get closer and a shape emerges, suddenly a close up and you realize that it is a rocket car is moving fast, very fast. Shot changes to another camera that camera moves along struggling to stay along the rocket car the rocket car. however speeds by as it leaves the cameras field of view. Then a shot from the sky shows the rocket car speeding across the salt flats. With white smoke trailing behind it.


KipMcSkipster said...

Adam, I'm having a hard time picturing these. It would help me if you do some simple storyboards now, even in Photoshop so you could rearrange the order, simulate close-ups, etc.

Andrew said...

I agree with Ezra, but if I had to choose from these ideas right now, I would go with the 4th.

BloodRayne3301 said...

I also agree with andrew and ezra. As of right now though numbers 4 and 3 sound good. Your story boards should help me picture these better.