Wednesday, September 17, 2008

info on my clip

In this version there is a shot of the desert followed by the rocket car appearing into view this is followed by an above view then a still shot of the tail fin while . Next is a view of the cockpit from the front portion of the vehicle , then a freeze shot of one of the wheels. The Shot then changes to another camera moving along struggling to stay along the rocket car the rocket car. however eventually speeds by as it leaves the cameras field of view. Then a shot showing the rocket car leaving the scene as a Shock wave radiates from behind at the last second of the clip.


BloodRayne3301 said...

this is looking better I am able to understand what is going on now your new animatic was good as well much better than your first one. Do you have any idea what this rocket car will look like?

KipMcSkipster said...

I'm with Tony, I think it's time to start sketching out some car ideas, and maybe post some references.